Terms & Conditions

1. Pricing and Charging policies

If you would like to discuss or for further information on the NYS, please contact the head office and we will be happy to give you a breakdown and answer any specific questions you may have.

NYS Price List

Separate price list detailing all our services on offer, via post or email. The prices displayed on the document are the actual prices charged during that current time period. We will be happy to listen, advise and offer you a quote. We also accept respite vouchers.


NYS will invoice the client, within 15 days of receiving the service. Invoices are usually emailed or posted.

Additional Charges :
  • VAT is not levied on the fees charged by NYS.
  • Cover shifts requested with less than 4 hours.
  • NYS do not charge a cancellation fee for booked shifts within a 24 hour period.
2. Terms and Conditions

In addition to the price list, NYS will provide you with a separate terms and conditions document. This document highlights the working relationship between NYS Nursing Agency Ltd and the client.

NYS would like you to feel confident whilst working in partnership with us and therefore would encourage you to fully read and understand the terms and conditions provided. The terms and conditions document must be signed by the manager (or representative) and returned via email, post or fax.

If a booking is made after the client has received the NYS terms and conditions and services have been delivered to the client by NYS, it is deemed that our terms and conditions have been accepted.

If you need help understanding the terms and conditions or need clarity on any of the areas mentioned, please get in touch with a memeber of staff who will be happy to discuss them with you in more detail.

“Quality services without
compromising on price”